About Andrea Parent

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So far Andrea Parent has created 92 blog entries.

Benefits That Accrue?

2023-01-30T21:18:08+00:00February 28th, 2013|Categories: Contracts|Tags: |

Although a vast preponderance of all contracts will provide fringe benefits, did you know that physicians are generally treated differently than other groups of employees, including executives, who in some instances may have commensurate salaries?

Women Physicians in the Specialties: Making Gains

2023-01-30T21:19:12+00:00September 19th, 2012|Categories: Career Paths|Tags: , |

Women physicians are making significant inroads in to the medical and surgical specialties, and now constitute a rapidly increasing contingent in many of the traditionally male-dominated fields. Despite these gains, the paucity of women in leadership positions, particularly within academic medicine, as well as persisting pay inequity, indicate that challenges remain.

Contracting for Departure: Understanding the Covenants That Will Impact Your Separation

2023-01-30T21:19:40+00:00August 21st, 2012|Categories: Contracts|Tags: , , , |

The purpose of this article is to mitigate any unwanted surprises through an increased comprehension of the common contractual covenants that are typically overlooked and may hinder your departure from an employment setting. These items – malpractice insurance, upfront money, and non-compete language – should be closely examined and negotiated in a manner that mutually benefits both parties.

Physician Job-Searching in the Digital Age: Manners Still Matter

2023-01-30T21:20:10+00:00June 12th, 2012|Categories: Digital Age|Tags: , |

Digital technology has been a boon in expediting communication for both physicians seeking a practice opportunity and recruiters making connections with candidates. Even though it’s tempting today to dash off an inquiry or response in a matter of seconds, physicians should slow down, craft an intelligible message and, ideally, give it a second review and count to 10 before pushing the send button.

Military Medical Practice: Options Plentiful for Physicians

2023-01-19T21:35:15+00:00March 21st, 2012|Categories: Career Paths|Tags: , , , |

Physicians who choose military practice often discover that their options – in practice settings, geographical locations, and even the range of patients and conditions they treat – are more varied than they expected. These benefits, in conjunction with myriad leadership opportunities that military medicine offers, factor into many physicians’ decision to remain in the military after their required service period ends.

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