Finding Jobs as a Dual Physician Family
Approaching the job market as a dual physician (or really, any dual working member) family is tricky, because you have two members of a family who’ve invested a lot into their education and goals...
Approaching the job market as a dual physician (or really, any dual working member) family is tricky, because you have two members of a family who’ve invested a lot into their education and goals...
As you approach the end of training, there’s a different decision that in many ways is much more complicated. Now you’ve got to figure out what that life you’ve been working so hard for actually looks like.
Regardless of the market demand for residents’ particular specialty, experts recommend that physicians in training start their search early and strategically.
Digital technology has been a boon in expediting communication for both physicians seeking a practice opportunity and recruiters making connections with candidates. Even though it’s tempting today to dash off an inquiry or response in a matter of seconds, physicians should slow down, craft an intelligible message and, ideally, give it a second review and count to 10 before pushing the send button.
As usage grows among doctors, benefits, challenges, and liability concerns are emerging.
How to Conduct Yourself Before, During and After the Interview.